37signals & Lypp VoIP Mashup Expanded

I have been talking with the guys at 37signals and we have decided to open up the Lypp + Highrise Mashup contest to include all of the 37signals APIs. This means that developers can integrate Lypp with Campfire, Basecamp, Backpack, Writeboards et al!

We think this presents a unique opportunity to create some very exciting telephony features for the 37signals group of applications. Some examples might include:

* Dynamic calling via Campfire for one-to-one or one-to-many calls. Imagine chatting with your colleagues and at the click of a button have a Toll Free number and PIN presented where everyone could call in and be in a conference call. Going 1 step further we could present a link that everyone could click on where everyone who clicked on that link is presented with a dialog that requests their email and telephone. They are called by the system and all are soon in a one-to-one or a conference call.

* Using the Backpack + Lypp API could really open up a new channel for communication within Backpack. Imagine scheduling a weekly call where the entire team is called wherever they are with the call being recorded and added to the assets/files when the call is done.

* Basecamp is another huge opportunity for collaboration. Projects calls could be managed with greater efficiency and again the Campfire ad hoc calling concept could play a roll here as well.

* Writeboards would have hot linked phone numbers that could be clicked and called.

* Emails could have hot links that could invite users into a call or allow them to call the phone number in the signature with one click.

These are just a few examples as to how to use the various 37signals APIs with the Lypp API to create a new and exciting mashup!

The contest will be extended to May 25 so get your applications in before that!

Best app:

  • $3000 Apple gift certificate
  • 20,000 minutes of call time from Lypp (approx value: $1800)
  • 12 months subscription for a Highrise MAX account (approx value: $1800)


  • $1500 Apple gift certificate
  • 10,000 minutes of call time from Lypp (approx value: $900)
  • 6 months subscription for a Highrise MAX account (approx value: $900)

2nd Runner-up:

  • $500 Apple gift certificate
  • 5,000 minutes of call time from Lypp (approx value: $450)
  • 3 month subscription for a Highrise MAX account (approx value: $450

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Fill out the Lypp partner sign-up form.
  2. You will receive your Lypp API credentials soon thereafter.
  3. Authentication for the various 37signals APIs requires that you have an existing user account.
  4. Start Mashing!

Here’s how to win:

  1. Make it useful.
  2. Make it functional.
  3. Make it simple.